

Speeding While Standing

See the guy standing up through the sunroof?

He's also 78 in a 65 mile per hour zone...with one hand on the wheel and his left foot on the gas pedal.

His name is Richard Anthony Flores, Jr.  He's 25, lives in Chandler, Arizona (a Phoenix suburb) and according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety, he's been showing up on their photo radar cameras a lot.

As in 14 times from mid-October to mid-November, at speeds up to 90 miles per hour.

This photo, taken on November 11, was just one of two where he did it while standing up through the sunroof. The other one was about two minutes earlier on the same stretch of the US 60 Superstition Freeway in 79 miles per hour.

The guys in the pickup trucks behind him had to be having a good laugh...probably while dialing 911.

It took DPS until this week to catch up with him...partly because he has a California license plate (under a louvered cover, which is supposed to help obscure it from photo radar). But after lettting family know they were looking for him, Flores turned himself in the next day.

He's been booked on two counts of reckless driving and one count of criminal speed. He's also been served with seven civil speeding citations.