

TireKicker's 4th Anniversary!


There's only one thing more intimidating to a writer than a blank sheet of paper. And that's day one of an online venture. It's not just a single page with not a mark on's infinity. And that's where yours truly was four years ago today, August 24, 2008, when I sat down to begin writing the first review for TireKicker.

11 years of reviewing automobiles in other media (radio and TV) still didn't erase the apprehension of the unknown...of dipping that toe into the water. It has turned out more than fine. 48 months, more than 600 reviews and articles and an ever-growing number of readers in all 50 states and many countries around the globe.

As we enter year five, we're as always looking for ways to make TireKicker better, smarter, and most important...more useful to you. If you have a suggestion, by all means, use the comment button below or drop us an email at .

Most of all, thank you for your readership. Please support our advertisers (don't miss Zipcar's $25 off special in the right-hand column). And if you're a business owner, why not consider what TireKicker can do for you?